This store accepts:
You may browse
through our entire catalog by picking a style of your choice
and then browsing by clicking the first letter of an Artist
or Group name.
You may search
for an item through the search box. Using one word or multiple
words to search by artist name, album title, song title or catalog
number. Though, please keep in mind most item song titles are
not actually listed in our database. We may have that song even
though it doesn't show up in your search.
Product Guide |
We guarantee that all products are new, original, sealed and
with liner notes. Some music items may have a small cut or drill mark in the case and
liner notes. That is why the industry refers to out of print items as"cutouts".
The manufacturer has so marked the item to signify the item has
been deleted from their catalog and may not be returned to them by the retailer. Though,
we will accept your return to us, if you are unhappy with the product. An item that
has been cut or drilled will specify this in the description.
Product Availability |
Most products on our site are not stocked at our facility. We
must place them on order from our out of print distributor. All items are subject to prior
sale. We can't absolutely confirm availability until the item or items are received in
stock. If the item is available, you will receive an email stating your order has shipped.
If it is unavailable you will be mailed stating it. Each item will display an
estimated time for us to receive the item in stock here. Then allow 3-10 additional days
from the date stated on our site to receive it from us via standard US Mail within the
USA. International shipping times are 7-21 days via Standard Airmail from the date stated
for your item.